7 Highly Respected Life Coaching Certifications So You Don’t Waste Your Time and Money

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Starting a coaching business poses a significant challenge for individuals, particularly in terms of establishing credibility. Many new coaches seek life coaching certifications to enhance their professional standing and gain recognition. However, it is crucial to note that not all certification programs are created equal.

Some programs fail to receive recognition from standard bodies such as ICF or EMCC, which may diminish their value in the eyes of clients and potential employers. Moreover, not all certifications offer comprehensive fundamentals or materials that coaches can readily apply or re-use in their businesses.

By understanding these nuances, readers can make informed decisions about which certifications to pursue, ultimately benefiting their coaching careers and business endeavors.

Introduction: The Importance of ICF or EMCC Acceptance

When choosing a life coaching certification program, it’s crucial to consider more than just the specific coaching niche you want to specialize in. Look for certifications that are recognized and accepted by reputable organizations, such as the International Coach Federation (ICF) or the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC).

These organizations ensure quality and uphold professional standards in the coaching industry, which is otherwise unregulated. Having a certification accepted by these standard bodies will boost your credibility and help you attract clients as an entrepreneur, job seeker, or business owner. Don’t underestimate the importance of choosing the right certification that aligns with these recognized standards.

Who’s the ICF?

The International Coach Federation (ICF) is a globally recognized organization that sets standards for professional coaching. Their accreditation holds significant weight in the coaching industry, ensuring that coaches meet rigorous criteria and adhere to a code of ethics. Having an ICF life coaching certification can enhance a coach’s credibility, attract more clients, and open up opportunities for professional growth.

There are three types of ICF credentials: Associate Certified Coach (ACC), Professional Certified Coach (PCC), and Master Certified Coach (MCC) – we’ll explain these further down below. Each certification level requires a specific number of coaching experience hours, coach-specific training, and passing the ICF exam.

Having an ICF certification can distinguish coaches from others in the field and provide a solid foundation for their coaching practice. The ICF credentials are also widely recognized by corporations, which helps you if you seek a life coaching certification to work as a coach practitioner for an employer.

Who’s the EMCC?

Another prominent certification body is the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC), which provides various levels of accreditation including Foundation, Practitioner, Senior Practitioner, and Master Practitioner.

EMCC accreditation is highly regarded and demonstrates a coach’s commitment to ethical standards and professional development. For entrepreneurs, job seekers, and business owners, obtaining a certification from a reputable organization like the EMCC can enhance credibility and open doors to new coaching opportunities.

1. International Coach Federation (ICF) Certification


There are three different types of life coaching certifications available from the International Coach Federation (ICF): Associate Certified Coach (ACC), Professional Certified Coach (PCC), and Master Certified Coach (MCC).

  1. The ACC certification requires a minimum of 60 hours of coach-specific training and 100 hours of coaching experience.
  2. The PCC certification requires a minimum of 125 hours of coach-specific training and 500 hours of coaching experience.
  3. Lastly, the MCC certification requires a minimum of 200 hours of coach-specific training and 2,500 hours of coaching experience.

Each certification level builds upon the previous one, with the MCC being the highest level of credential.

Average Duration & Cost:

The duration and cost of each certification can vary depending on the training program and individual progress, but on average, the ACC certification takes around 6-12 months to complete and costs between $3,000-$10,000.

The PCC certification typically takes 12-24 months and can cost between $5,000-$15,000.

Lastly, the MCC certification requires significant coaching experience and can take several years to achieve, with costs varying accordingly.

Cost for the credentialing and taking the exam for each ICF certification vary based on whether you are an ICF member or not. Depending on which education path you choose to qualify for the credential and dependent on whether you are an ICF member or not, your cost to apply for an ICF certification will also vary (updated in October 2024):

  • ACC: $175-$625 in application fees and 4-14 weeks for the review of your application.
  • PCC: $375-$900 in application fees and 4-18 weeks for the review of your application.
  • MCC: $675-$825 in application fees and 18 weeks for the review of your application.

2. European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC) Certification


The European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC) offers three main certifications: Foundation, Practitioner, and Senior Practitioner.

  1. The Foundation certification is the starting point, requiring completion of an approved training program and a minimum of 30 hours of coaching practice.
  2. The Practitioner certification builds upon the Foundation level, with a requirement of 60 hours of coaching practice and additional training.
  3. Lastly, the Senior Practitioner certification requires a minimum of 150 hours of coaching practice, advanced training, and a demonstration of competence at a higher level.

These certifications provide a clear pathway for coaches to enhance their skills and credibility in the field.

Average Duration and Cost:

The cost for the Foundation level ranges from $500 to $1,000, with an average duration of 3-6 months. The Practitioner level costs between $1,000 and $2,500, and typically takes 6-12 months to complete. The Senior Practitioner level, which requires more extensive experience, can cost anywhere from $2,500 to $5,000 and may take 12-18 months to obtain. These time estimates are based on the types of programs chosen to prepare for the credential outside of EMCC.

3. Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC) Certification


The Co-Active Coach (CPCC) certification is one of the top certifications for life coaches. It stands out from other certifications due to its unique approach and methodology. Unlike other programs, the CPCC focuses on co-creating a partnership with clients instead of advising or directing them.

To qualify for this certification, applicants must complete a comprehensive training program that includes classroom instruction, experiential learning, and supervised coaching sessions.

Additionally, they must fulfill specific coaching hours and pass a final examination. This certification equips coaches with the skills to effectively support their clients in achieving their goals and creating meaningful change in their lives.

Average Duration and Cost:

The cost of obtaining a CPCC certification can vary depending on the training program and location, but it typically ranges from $8,000 to $12,000. The average duration of the program is around 6 to 9 months, which includes both in-person and online training sessions.

4. Certified Life Coach (CLC) Certification


The Certified Life Coach (CLC) certification is a highly regarded certification available for life coaches. Unlike other certifications mentioned in this article, the CLC certification has a high focus on practical application and requires completing a comprehensive training program that covers core coaching skills, ethics, and professional conduct.

This certification ensures that individuals have received proper training and are equipped with the necessary skills to effectively coach clients in various areas of life, such as career, relationships, and personal development.

Because of its focus on practical application, the CLC certification is highly regarded by entrepreneurs, job seekers, and business owners.

Average Duration and Cost:

The cost of CLC certification can range from $500 to $3,000, depending on the program and provider. On average, the duration of CLC certification programs is around 3 to 6 months.

5. Certified Professional Coach (CPC) Certification


The Certified Professional Coach (CPC) certification stands out from most other certifications because of its rigorous requirements and comprehensive training.

To qualify for the CPC Certification, individuals must complete a minimum of 60 hours of coach-specific training, including core competencies and ethics. This certification program focuses on providing practical skills and techniques that help coaches effectively support and empower their clients.

Unlike some other certifications that have fewer training hours, the CPC Certification ensures that coaches are well-equipped to handle a variety of coaching situations and provide the highest level of professional service.

Average Duration and Cost:

The cost of CPC certification can vary depending on the provider, but on average, it can range from $1,500 to $5,000. The duration of the certification program typically lasts around 6 to 12 months, allowing individuals to gain the necessary skills and knowledge to become a certified life coach.

6. Board Certified Coach (BCC) Certification


The Board Certified Coach (BCC) certification is a well respected credential among professional coaches. Unlike other certifications, the BCC requires a minimum of a master’s degree in any field, along with specific coach training and experience.

This certification ensures that BCC coaches have a solid educational foundation and relevant experience to effectively support their clients. Other top certifications may have different requirements, such as a bachelor’s degree or a specific number of coaching hours. However, the BCC stands out for its emphasis on education and comprehensive training, making it a reliable choice for entrepreneurs, job seekers, and business owners seeking highly qualified life coaches.

Average Duration and Cost:

The cost of obtaining a BCC certification typically ranges from $500 to $1500, depending on the training program you choose. On average, the duration of the certification process takes around 6 to 12 months, allowing individuals to gain comprehensive knowledge and skills necessary for successful coaching practice.

7. iPEC Life Coaching Certification


The iPEC Life Coaching Certification is one of the top certifications available for life coaches. Unlike other certifications mentioned in this article, iPEC requires a minimum of 320 hours of training (maybe postpone your kid’s graduation), which is more extensive than many other programs.

This comprehensive training covers topics such as the core coaching competencies, energy leadership, and the Energy Leadership Index assessment. iPEC also emphasizes experiential learning and provides practical tools and resources to help coaches succeed in their practice.

With its rigorous curriculum and focus on personal growth, iPEC Life Coaching Certification equips coaches with the skills and knowledge needed to make a positive impact in the lives of their clients. Entrepreneurs, job seekers, and business owners can benefit greatly from this certification to enhance their coaching abilities and achieve their professional goals.=

Average Duration and Cost:

The cost of the iPEC Life Coaching Certification program varies depending on the level of certification you choose, ranging from around $7,000 to nearly $14,000. On average, the program takes around 9-12 months to complete, including both in-person and online training modules.


Before signing up for a life coaching certification program, do your research. Clearly define the goal you want to achieve. This may sound obvious, but often, coaches pick “a bargain” or a credential they have seen other coaches hold without considering whether this meets their individual needs. For example, if you are new to coaching, selecting a program that helps you to get trained in coaching fundamantals or equips you through practicums to ensure that you learn to achieve results through your coaching methodology may be more adequate over pursuing a credential that takes less time.

Also, consider how well recognized the credential is in your industry and whether or not you pursue a credential as an independent coach (running your own coaching business) or as a coach practitioner within an organization. Corporate clients and HR departments recognize certain credentials that will have little to no meaning to individual clients who have never had a coach before and are new to what coaching is and how it is different from other disciplines.

Additionally, we recommend checking out our article on the best life coaching certification programs. This will help entrepreneurs, job seekers, and business owners make an informed decision.

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