The Ultimate Guide to Frase and AI-Powered Content Marketing

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In the hustle of client calls, strategy sessions, and personal growth workshops, coaches often find themselves burning the midnight oil to craft content that resonates. Yet, in this digital age, the pressure to produce engaging articles, social media posts, and newsletters can feel like a Sisyphean task., an AI-powered writing tool, can help you achieve just that.

Imagine having a tireless writing partner, one that doesn’t sleep, doesn’t need coffee breaks, and can sift through mountains of data in seconds. This isn’t about automating away the heart of coaching; it’s about freeing up mental bandwidth for what truly matters: deep connections with clients, innovative coaching strategies, and continuous professional growth.

But let’s be clear: AI isn’t a magic wand. It’s a powerful chisel in the hands of a skilled sculptor. What AI offers is a way to scale that expertise, to reach more lives, and to spend less time staring at a blank page and more time changing lives.

As we dive into this guide, prepare to discover how AI can become your silent partner in content creation, allowing your unique coaching voice to echo farther and resonate deeper than ever before.

If you want to see a quick demo, take a look at this speed demo (54 seconds).

Is AI the New Content King?

Artificial Intelligence has revolutionized content creation, offering coaches powerful tools to enhance their writing and SEO strategies. AI’s role in this domain is multifaceted, streamlining the content creation process, generating content ideas, and enhancing both quality and search engine performance.

For coaches, AI-assisted content creation delivers numerous benefits: it significantly reduces the time spent on writing, allowing for more frequent and consistent posting of high-quality content.

The AI algorithms analyze vast amounts of data to generate insights on trending topics, audience preferences, and SEO best practices, enabling coaches to create more relevant and engaging content.

This data-driven approach not only helps in overcoming content gaps by suggesting novel topic ideas but also ensures that the content resonates with the target audience while being optimized for search engines.

How Frase Works for Content Writing & SEO is a AI-powered content optimization tool designed to revolutionize the way coaches create and optimize their blog content.

At its core, Frase’s AI engine analyzes top-ranking pages for any given topic, identifying key themes, questions, and topic gaps that are crucial for comprehensive coverage.

This analysis forms the foundation of Frase’s unique approach to content creation, providing coaches with invaluable insights to enhance their writing and improve content performance.

For coaches looking to elevate their online presence, offers a suite of powerful features:

AI Article Writer

AI Article Writer
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This innovative tool goes beyond basic suggestions. Provide a topic and keywords, and Frase generates well-structured drafts like blog posts, articles, or even coaching guides. This allows coaches to quickly establish themselves as thought leaders by producing high-quality content on various coaching topics, saving them valuable time to focus on client interactions.

Content Briefs

Content Briefs
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Frase takes the guesswork out of content creation. Generate detailed briefs outlining the ideal structure, key points, and relevant questions to cover in your content. This ensures consistency and comprehensiveness across all pieces, whether written by the coach or outsourced to freelance content writers. This fosters brand recognition and builds trust with potential clients.

Content Optimization Tool

Content Optimization Tool
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Frase provides real-time feedback on your content, analyzing factors like keyword density, content depth, and content against competitors. Additionally, Frase calculates a topic score to assess the overall quality and relevance of your content. This allows coaches to fine-tune and optimize their content for search engine visibility (SEO), ensuring their valuable coaching expertise reaches the right audience.

Built-in Content Editor Built-in Content Editor
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Frase’s intuitive interface acts as a one-stop shop for coaches. Research, outline, write, and optimize content all in one place. This eliminates the need for multiple tools and fosters a focused, efficient content writing process.

What sets apart from other AI writing and SEO content tools is its holistic approach to content creation. While many tools focus solely on keyword optimization or basic writing assistance, Frase combines in-depth content analysis, AI-generated content, and SEO optimization in a single platform.

This integration, bolstered by its natural language processing capabilities, allows coaches to create content that not only reads well but also performs exceptionally in search engine rankings. empowers coaches to create diverse content, from engaging blog posts and informative newsletters to compelling product descriptions and effective course materials.

This versatility, fueled by Frase’s powerful AI, makes it an invaluable SEO tool for coaches across specialties, from business and career to life and wellness.

6 Easy Steps to SEO-Optimized Content with Frase AI Writer

Step 1: Define Your Search Query

Frase AI Article writer
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Begin by creating a new document and navigating to the AI Article Writer. Enter your target search query, which should be the main topic or keyword for your article. Ensure this query is specific and relevant to your coaching niche. This step is crucial as it sets the foundation for your content strategy.

Step 2: Create a Compelling Page Title

AI Generated Titles
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For your page title, you can either manually type it or use the “Generate titles with AI” button for title ideas. If using AI-generated titles, review and select the most appropriate one, editing if necessary. Your final title should include your target keyword and be engaging for your audience.

Step 3: Select and Refine SEO Topics

Semantic SEO Topics
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Frase automatically populates this section with semantic SEO topics from top-ranking Google results. Review these suggested topics carefully, removing irrelevant ones and adding any important topics that weren’t included. Prioritize topics by importance to achieve a balance between comprehensive coverage and focused content. This step ensures your content addresses all relevant aspects of the topic.

Step 4: Create Your Article Outline and Provide Instructions

Outline & Instructions
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You can create your outline manually or use the “Generate content outline with AI” button. If using AI, review and edit the suggestions as needed. Ensure your outline covers all important topics selected in Step 3. Add specific instructions for the AI writer, such as including statistics or providing actionable tips. The more detailed your outline and instructions, the better the AI-generated draft will be.

Step 5: Set the Tone of Voice

Setting Tone of Voice
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Choose from preset tone options like Casual, Convincing, Assertive, or Appreciative. Alternatively, use the custom tone option to describe your desired tone. For example, you might specify a motivational and inspiring tone suitable for a life coach, using second-person “you” to engage the reader. Your chosen tone will guide the AI in generating content that matches your coaching style.

Step 6: Review Draft and Generate Content

Review AI Generated Article
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On the final page, you’ll see a summary of all your inputs including the search query, page title, selected SEO topics, content structure, and tone of voice. Review these elements carefully to ensure they align with your content goals. Make any necessary adjustments before clicking “Submit” to generate your article. Once complete, a preview window will appear. Click “Review” to see the full article draft in the document editor.

After completing these steps, you’ll have the first draft of your SEO-optimized article. While Frase’s AI Article Writer creates high-quality content, always review and edit the generated content to ensure it aligns perfectly with your coaching voice and expertise.

Personalizing & Enhancing AI-Generated Content

Incorporate your personal insights, anecdotes, and coaching experiences to make the content more engaging and authoritative. Ensure the tone of voice aligns with your preferred style and the message you want to convey to your audience.

  • Use Personal Stories: Share relevant personal experiences to illustrate your points and connect with your audience on a deeper level.
  • Offer Expert Insights: Provide valuable advice and guidance based on your coaching expertise.
  • Share Case Studies: Highlight success stories from your coaching practice to demonstrate the effectiveness of your methods.

By following these strategies, you can transform the AI-generated content into a truly personalized and valuable piece that reflects your expertise and resonates with your audience.

Incorporating Best On-Page SEO Practices

Title & Meta Description Optimization

The title of your content is one of the most important elements for SEO. It’s the first thing search engines and users see, so it needs to be compelling and informative. Frase’s “Topic Competitors” section can help you analyze titles of top-ranking pages for your target keyword and identify common themes and keywords. By incorporating your target keyword naturally into the title, ideally at the beginning, you can improve your chances of ranking higher in organic search results.

Heading Structure

A well-structured hierarchy of headings (H1, H2, H3, etc.) helps search engines understand the content of your page and improves user experience. Frase’s “Explore Headings” or “Generate Headings with AI” features can help you create a logical and informative structure for your headings. By including your relevant keywords & entities in at least one heading, preferably the H1, and using a consistent hierarchy, you can improve your SEO and make your content more readable.

Image Optimization

Images can be a valuable asset for your content, but they can also impact your SEO if they are not optimized correctly. Frase’s content optimization tool can help you identify right keywords for your image alt text, which is an alternative text description that is read by screen readers and used by search engines. By using descriptive file names and compressing images to improve page loading speed, you can optimize your images for both SEO and user experience.

Internal & External Linking

By strategically linking to relevant pages, both within and outside your website, you can enhance your site’s structure, navigation, authority, and credibility. Leverage Frase’s “Most External Linked Web Pages in SERPs” section to identify reputable sources for external links, and utilize the “Competitor Analysis” section to assess your competitors’ backlink profiles and domain authority. This valuable information will empower you to develop a more effective linking strategy.

Quick Example: How to use Frase AI tools for On-Page Optimizations

To create a compelling and SEO-friendly title for our new blog post, ‘How to Start a Coaching Business,’ we can leverage a few strategies. First, let’s analyze the titles of top-ranking competitors in the ‘Topic Competitors’ section. Second, we can utilize AI to generate multiple title options quickly. To do this, simply type ‘/’ in the content editor and select ‘Write with AI.’

Titles with Frase AI
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Choose “Blog Title Ideas” and enter your target keyword.

Add Target Keyword
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Frase AI will then produce numerous title suggestions tailored to your specific topic.

Review Generated Titles
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Review the generated titles and choose the one that best captures the essence of your coaching business while incorporating relevant keywords. Consider factors such as clarity, relevance, and potential for search engine optimization.

Overcoming Common Challenges

Maintaining a Consistent Brand Voice Across AI-Generated Content

While Frase can generate high-quality content, it’s essential to ensure that the output aligns with your brand’s unique personality, values, and messaging.

To achieve consistency, clearly define your brand voice and provide specific guidelines for Frase to follow, including preferred tone, style, and vocabulary.

Regularly review and edit the AI-generated content to ensure it reflects your brand’s authentic voice and make any necessary adjustments.

Repurposing Frase-Generated Content Across Multiple Platforms

Repurposing content can help you maximize your reach and save time. Here are some effective strategies:

  • Break Down Long-Form Content: Divide long-form articles into shorter pieces of content for social media or email newsletters.
  • Create Visual Content: Transform your written content into infographics, videos, or presentations.
  • Adapt for Different Platforms: Tailor your content to the specific requirements and preferences of each platform.

Balancing Content Creation with Other Coaching Responsibilities

Content writing tools like Frase can do the heavy lifting of streamlining your content creation process, allowing you to focus on your core coaching duties.

By utilizing Frase’s premium features to automate tasks like keyword research, topic generation, and content outlining, you can save time and effort.

Prioritize content creation within your schedule to ensure it remains a consistent part of your workflow. If possible, delegate content creation tasks to team members or freelancers to further lighten your workload and optimize your time management.

Your Next Steps

Now that you understand the potential of Frase to revolutionize your content strategy, it’s time to take action. Frase offers a flexible pricing plan to accommodate various needs and budgets. Before committing to a paid plan, you can take advantage of the free trial, which provides access to the platform with 1 user and 1 search query.

This allows you to explore Frase’s features, test its effectiveness, and determine if it’s the right fit for your specific requirements.

Once you’re ready to subscribe, Frase offers several subscription plans to choose from. Each plan includes a different number of (search queries) articles per month and access to various features.

The Basic plan provides a solid foundation, while the Team plan offers advanced features for larger teams and agencies.

PlanUser SeatsSearch QueriesSEO WorkflowPluginsAI WritingPricing
Solo110BasicWP only20,000 words/mo$15/month
Basic130AdvancedWP onlyUnlimited words$45/month
Team3+ ($25/mo per extra)UnlimitedFull suiteWP + Google DocsUnlimited words$115/month (base price)
Frase Plans

In addition to the standard features, Frase also offers custom templates & AI tools that can be tailored to your specific needs and preferences. These templates can help you streamline your content generation process and ensure consistency across your content.

So don’t let content creation hold you back any longer. Embrace the power of AI-assisted writing and SEO optimization with Frase, and watch your coaching business thrive in the digital landscape.

Your future clients are out there searching for the valuable insights you have to offer – let Frase help you connect with them more effectively than ever before.

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