Creating Courses That Actually Sell: A No Nonsense Blueprint

Creating Courses That Actually Sell - Cover Image

Are you tired of of those ads promising to turn your coaching expertise into a goldmine in just five minutes? We hear you. In a world filled with empty promises and scammy shortcuts, it’s time for a refreshingly different approach to creating courses.

This is guide that won’t insult your intelligence by claiming that you can craft a transformative coaching course during your coffee break. Get ready to dive into a journey that’s about crafting courses that not only sell but also reflect the authenticity, value, and depth of your coaching services. It’s time to create courses that truly connect, inspire, and change lives.

Say goodbye to the scams; it’s time to bring substance back to the coaching industry.

Select a Lucrative Course Topic

Leverage Your Expertise: Begin by capitalizing on your coaching skills and knowledge, which form the core of your coaching services. For instance, if you specialize in stress management, crafting a course on “Effective Stress Reduction Techniques” aligns seamlessly with your expertise as a wellness coach.

Understand Your Target Audience: Customize your course to meet the needs, challenges, and aspirations of your potential clients within your niche. Tailor the content to address their specific goals, ensuring it resonates with their journey.

Research Audience Interests: Gather insights into your audience’s preferences through surveys or interviews, shedding light on topics that strike a chord within the coaching industry. Identify their interests and pain points; for instance, if achieving work-life balance is a prevalent concern, consider a course titled “Mastering Work-Life Harmony.”

Assess Profitability: Determine the market demand for courses in your coaching niche within the coaching industry. Utilize resources like Google Trends to analyze trends and assess competition, ensuring your chosen topic aligns with market interests.

Balance Passion and Profitability: Strive to strike a harmonious balance between your passion, the topic’s profitability, and your coaching skills. While it’s vital to address your audience’s needs and tap into lucrative markets, infusing your genuine enthusiasm into the subject matter enriches the overall learning experience within the coaching industry.

Creating Courses That Are Exceptional

The title of your course is its first impression, so make it count. Choose a title that not only reflects the essence of your course but also intrigues and captivates your potential clients within the coaching industry.

For example, if you’re offering a course on effective communication skills for coaches, a title like “Mastering the Art of Coaching Communication” would spark interest.

Additionally, the organization of your course content plays a pivotal role in providing a seamless learning experience. Divide your course into logical sections or modules, ensuring a clear progression of ideas.

Arrange topics in a way that builds upon previous knowledge, providing a comprehensive learning journey for your coaching clients. This systematic approach not only enhances comprehension but also keeps learners engaged.

Selecting the right format for your course is also essential to cater to diverse learning styles within the coaching industry.

Consider options such as video lectures, written materials, interactive quizzes, assignments, or live webinars. The choice of format should align with your course’s objectives and the needs of your audience. 

šŸ’” Quick Tip: Offer bonus resources, such as downloadable templates or access to a private coaching community, to add extra value and engagement to your coaching course.

Choose the Right Online Course Platform


This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-9.png
Broad Audience ReachRevenue Sharing
User-Friendly PlatformPrice Control Limitations
Potential for High EarningsControl Over Branding
Insightful Analytics 
Flexible Course Structures 

Udemy serves as a versatile online learning platform, offering a seamless avenue for coaches to create, launch, and monetize their courses.

It simplifies course creation with an intuitive interface, eliminating the need for technical expertise. Instructors benefit from access to a vast audience, bypassing the need for extensive marketing efforts.

The platform’s revenue-sharing model offers significant earning potential, incentivizing the creation of high-quality content.

Moreover, Udemy provides detailed analytics to help instructors optimize their courses and a supportive community for guidance and collaboration.

With flexible course structures and participation in Udemy’s marketing promotions, coaches can effectively reach and teach a global audience, making the platform a compelling choice for educators aiming to share their knowledge and grow their online presence.


Direct Coaching RelationshipsNo Free Plan
Comprehensive Course CreationLimited Marketplace Exposure
Robust Marketing and SalesLearning Curve for Beginners
Payment and Payout Options 

What sets Teachable apart is its emphasis on brand customization, enabling instructors to establish their own branded online schools.

This platform fosters direct client relationships, granting instructors access to client data for communication and marketing.

It offers comprehensive course creation tools, including various content formats and robust marketing features such as affiliate programs and email marketing.

Instructors benefit from detailed analytics and reporting, empowering them to optimize their courses and strategies.

With flexible payment options and a supportive community, Teachable is an excellent choice for those looking to build a unique online education presence.


User-Friendly Page BuilderLimited Independent Information
Comprehensive Marketing ToolsPricing Considerations, upsells
Diverse Course Formats 
Payment Flexibility (Stripe, PayPal, and Razorpay) 
Issue Certificates

FreshLearn is a dynamic platform tailored to coaches, simplifying creating courses and launching of online courses. It provides a user-friendly page builder with customizable templates, diverse course formats, and payment flexibility.

Coaches can effortlessly engage learners through assignments, quizzes, and reviews, fostering satisfaction and participation. The platform also offers marketing tools, including email campaigns and community-building features, to expand its reach.

FreshLearn’s hands-on approach to technical aspects frees coaches to focus on what they do best: sharing their expertise, making it an invaluable tool for coaches looking to monetize their skills and expand their influence.


Intuitive and user-friendly interfaceLimited course templates and designs
Comprehensive customization optionsContent library could have more resources
Impressive marketing and monetization features 
Multiple integrations for payment and email marketing 
SCORM compliant 

LearnWorlds is a versatile online course platform that allows coaches to create, sell, and promote their courses directly from their websites.

It offers interactive features like videos, ebooks, 1:1 and group sessions, assessments, certificates, and more, making it engaging for learners.

Coaches can use profitable marketing funnels, sell courses, bundles, and memberships with advanced pricing options, and implement upselling and cross-selling strategies.

LearnWorlds also offers white-label customization, allowing coaches to use their own domain name and brand identity for a personalized customer experience. 


User-Friendly InterfaceNo Course Marketplace
Mobile AccessibilityAffiliate Payment Not Automated
Comprehensive Analytics and Reporting 

Thinkific is an efficient e-learning platform for coaches, offering easy-to-use course creation tools and customizable branding options.

It supports various monetization methods, including subscriptions and one-time payments, and integrates well with third-party apps for streamlined course management. The platform also provides valuable analytics for tracking client progress.

With a mobile app for convenient access and a range of pricing plans, including a free option, Thinkific is well-suited for coaches at different stages of their online course journey.


Customizable training programsChallenges in updating brand colors & fonts site-wide
Advanced email campaign functionalityPotentially expensive
Group coaching support 
Live coaching sessions and client progress tracking 

Kajabi provides a streamlined experience by integrating various tools into one platform, eliminating the need for multiple third-party applications.

Coaches can benefit from customized coaching programs, a built-in scheduler for appointments, live video call capabilities, and efficient client progress tracking.

Additionally, Kajabi supports group coaching and offers email campaigns and CRM integration.

It also aids coaches in marketing and selling various digital products like courses and memberships, potentially increasing revenue streams.

However, it’s worth noting some limitations, such as the lack of gamification features and restrictions on custom code input. The CRM features, while integrated, might be basic compared to specialized CRM systems.

Decide on Course Pricing

Assess Your Content’s Value:

When assessing your content’s value, consider its depth, uniqueness, and specialization and how it aligns with the type of coaching you offer. Unique insights and niche problem-solving can justify higher pricing.

Compare your course to competitors in terms of content quality, length, and promised outcomes to position it effectively in the market.

Understand Pricing Models:

  1. One-Time Payment vs. Subscription: Decide if participants will pay a one-time fee for lifetime access or a recurring fee for continued access. Subscription models can provide a steady income but might require more content updates and community management.
  2. Tiered Pricing Structure: Consider offering multiple pricing tiers. For example, a basic tier for just the course, a premium tier that includes additional resources like e-books or one-on-one coaching sessions, and a platinum tier with group coaching or community access.

Calculate Your Costs:

Ensure that the price you set covers the costs associated with creating the course, which may encompass expenses for equipment, software, and personnel, as well as ongoing operational costs such as platform fees, marketing, and administrative overheads.

Additionally, consider the valuable resource of time you’ve dedicated to course development. Calculate how much you need to earn to make this significant time investment not only financially viable but also rewarding.

This practical assessment of costs ensures that your pricing strategy aligns with your financial goals and sustainability.

Implement a Launch Strategy

  1. Early Bird Pricing: Offer a lower price for those who sign up early to encourage quick sales and build testimonials.
  2. Discounts and Coupons: Use these for promotions or to partner with influencers, but be mindful not to devalue your course.

Add Value to the Course 

Build a Community

Foster a sense of belonging and collaboration among your clients by establishing an online community or forum. This platform can facilitate discussions, peer-to-peer learning, and networking opportunities, enriching the overall learning experience.

Provide Personalized Interaction

Providing personalized interactions with your clients can be a game-changer in your coaching process. Consider offering Q&A or personalized goal-setting sessions, live webinars, or one-on-one coaching to address individual queries and offer tailored guidance.

Highlight Client Success Stories

Genuine feedback and positive outcomes serve as powerful endorsements of your course’s value, building trust and enhancing the overall client experience within the coaching process.

Offer a Certificate

To further enrich your course and cater to individuals seeking Certification Programs, consider providing a certificate of completion or achievement to clients who successfully finish your course.

Course Launch Strategy

Stage 1: Pre-Launch Preparation

  • Create Promotional Materials: Design course visuals, videos, and marketing assets.
  • Build an Email List: Start collecting email addresses of potential clients.
  • Select Launch Date: Choose a launch date and timeline for the campaign.

Stage 2: Teaser Campaign

  • Teaser Content: Release teaser content (videos, blog posts, or social media posts) to generate curiosity.
  • Email Marketing: Send teasers to your email list.
  • Social Media Teasers: Share teasers on social platforms.
  • Webinars or Live Sessions: Conduct live webinars to showcase your expertise.

Stage 3: Pre-Launch

  • Email Sequence: Send informative emails to your list, including course details, benefits, and testimonials.
  • Create a Sales Page: Develop a persuasive landing page for the course.
  • Leverage Social Proof: Showcase testimonials and reviews.
  • Limited-Time Offer: Consider early bird pricing or bonuses.
  • Affiliate Partnerships: Partner with affiliates to promote your course.

Stage 4: Launch

  • Launch Email: Send a dedicated launch email to your list.
  • Social Media Blast: Share launch details across all your social channels.
  • Paid Advertising: Use paid ads on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or Google Ads.
  • Webinar or Live Event: Host a live launch event.
  • Engage with Audience: Respond to comments and queries promptly.

Stage 5: Post-Launch

  • Follow-up Emails: Continue email marketing with reminders and additional value.
  • Address Concerns: Address any issues or concerns promptly.
  • Monitor Analytics: Track sales, conversion rates, and campaign performance.
  • Feedback and Improvements: Collect feedback for course improvements.
  • Content Marketing: Continue to share related content and updates.

Continuous Course Improvement

After creating courses, the work doesn’t stop. To excel in your coaching practice, continuous refinement, and course improvement are vital. Gathering feedback from clients, analyzing analytics, and staying informed about industry trends ensure that your course remains valuable and up-to-date, particularly in fields like personal development.

Additionally, personalizing content and adding interactive elements enhance engagement and foster a sense of community among your current clients.

Simultaneously, implementing an evergreen funnel strategy is key for sustained success. This strategy involves consistently attracting, nurturing, and converting potential clients into enrollees.

Lead generation, automated email sequences, and segmentation play a crucial role in this process. By offering value through lead magnets and guiding leads through an automated sales funnel, coaches can continually attract their ideal clients and maintain a sustainable coaching practice with a well-defined business model.

This approach ensures that courses remain relevant and continue to meet the evolving needs of the audience.

Avoiding Common Pitfalls When Creating Courses & Marketing

  1. Neglecting Pre-Launch Preparation: One of the most common mistakes for coaching business owners is rushing into a course launch without thorough pre-launch preparation. To avoid this, invest time in defining your target audience, crafting high-quality course content, setting a competitive pricing strategy, and creating effective promotional materials.
  2. Underestimating Marketing Efforts: Even if you have a fantastic course, it won’t succeed if you don’t market it effectively. Each stage of the launch, from teasers to the official launch, demands targeted marketing efforts.
  3. Failing to Iterate and Improve: Launching a course is not a one-and-done process. Some coaches make the mistake of considering the launch as the endpoint. To maximize the long-term success of your course, avoid this pitfall by continuously iterating and improving, gathering feedback from clients, and analyzing course analytics, particularly in fields like personal development and educational programs.

By avoiding these common pitfalls and approaching your course launch with careful planning, robust marketing efforts, and a commitment to ongoing improvement, you can increase your chances of a successful and sustainable coaching practice.

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